Thursday, March 20, 2014

The Customer Who Never Comes Back

 You know me. I'm a nice customer. I never complain, no matter what kind of service I get.

I will go into a restaurant and sit and sit while the waitress gossips with her boyfriend and never bothers to see if my hamburger is ready. Sometimes, someone who came in after I did, gets my hamburger, but I don't say a word. If the soup is cold, or the cream for the coffee is sour, I'm nice about it. So nice, in fact, that I leave a 20% tip and thank the waitress for serving me.

When I go to a store to by something, I'm thoughtful of other persons. If I get a snooty salesperson who gets annoyed because I want to look at several things before I make up my mind, I'm as polite as can be. I don't believe rudeness in return is the answer. I wasn't raised that way.

And it is seldom that I take anything back. I've found that people are just about always disagreeable when I do. Life is so short, too short for indulging in these unpleasant little scrimmages for the sake of a dollar or so. I bought a toaster once that burned out in two weeks. The store's "customer service" people, without listening to what I had to say, began telling me that I burned it out from misusing it and it wasn't their fault. All I wanted to do was ask them if they knew where I could send it to have it repaired.

I never kick. I never raise my voice. I never nag. I never criticize. I wouldn't dream of making a scene, as I've seen other people doing in public places. I think that is awful. Besides, I wouldn't want to cause any trouble or upset anyone's day. 

I'm a nice customer! I'll tell you what else I am:


That is my little revenge for getting pushed around. That is why I take whatever they hand out… I know that I'm not coming back. It's true that this doesn't relieve my feelings right off, as telling them what I think of them would. But, in the long run, it's a far more deadly revenge.

In fact, a nice customer like myself, multiplied by others of my kind, can just about ruin a business. There a lot of nice people in the world like me. When we get pushed far enough, we just go up the street to another store. We send our hard earned money in places where they are smart enough to hire help who appreciate nice customers. Together we do them out of millions of dollars every year.

"He laughs best – they say – who laughs last". I laugh when I see them frantically doing all kinds of things to get me back, when they could have held me in the first place with a few kind words and a smile.


All of us at Marketink have the utmost appreciation for all of our clients, and we work very hard to provide every one of them with the attention and quality service they deserve. Let this be a reminder for all of us about how precious and important each and every client is for any business, and how we should never, ever take them for granted.

Call us at 877.990.1616 or visit us online at 

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